Thursday, May 10, 2012

Well, there is something in there

A gestational sac was seen today in my 42-year old uterus (yesterday was my birthday).

While I would have loved to see a fetal pole and maybe a little cardiac flickering, since I am only at 5w4d and we all suspect a late implanter, my RE said things all look good.

They took blood too to check on HCG, estrogen and progesterone, but those aren't back until tomorrow.
UPDATE:  They are back.  Beta is 2664 at 22dp3dt.  E2 is now at 75 and progesterone is 22.
Doubling has slowed a bit to 49 hours, but I guess that is supposed to happen after HCG hits 1500 or so?

Either way, I'm clinically pregnant. Crazy. And exciting.

Now just 7 days until the next ultrasound.  Wow that is far away.


  1. Woohoo!! Yay for being clinically pregnant!!!

    And happy birthday!!!!

  2. Happy happy birthday S!!! Late implanter it is! I'm sure :o) hang in. I hope the next week passes by oh-so quickly!

  3. Happy belated birthday! So glad things are looking good so far. :-)

  4. Yay! Happy birthday and congrats on a good appointment!

  5. Holy crap, I am anxious. I can't imagine how YOU must feel. Come ON little guy!!!

    And also Happy Birthday, although I imagine you can't really celebrate it under this kind of strain.

  6. WOO HOOOOOOOO! I only this morning thought OH SHIT! ECTOPIC WASN'T ON HER LIST! So I'm really relived that it's uterine. Happy birthday, you amazing woman, and let's hope this is the gift that keeps on giving.

  7. Happy birthday, mama! I am very excited you've got a start in the right spot and next week's scan will be much more reassuring. Hang in there during the wait, my wish for you is an nice long year of 42 nurturing this wee one!

  8. YAY! I'm so happy for you! What a wonderful birthday surprise. Happy Birthday!

  9. Great news! And happy birthday!

  10. That's great! And yes, beta stops doubling quite as fast once you get up to 1500-2000. Happy birthday!

  11. Fantastic news!

  12. what a great birthday present!!! happy birthday AND happy mother's day x2!

  13. Yipeee! Great news and happy birthday mamma!

  14. Just read the update - it sounds GOOD. And yes (as others have said), you're at the point where the doubling slows down a bit. Hurry up and get here, Thursday.

  15. So hopeful that tomorrow will bring great reassurance!
